How To Match Unmatch On Winked: A Comprehensive Guide

Learn how to easily match and unmatch on Winked with these simple steps. Get ready for a seamless dating experience!

Understanding the Matching Process on Winked

Matching with someone on Winked can sometimes be confusing, especially if you’re new to the app. Here’s a breakdown of how the matching process works:

1. Profiles and Availability: Not all profiles on Winked are available for matching. Some profiles are still unavailable, which means their stories haven’t been released yet. You can check the list of unavailable profiles on the app.

2. Counterparts: In some cases, you may come across multiple profiles with similar storylines and characters. These profiles are called counterparts. If you match with one counterpart, you won’t be able to match with the other.

3. Character Availability: Currently, you can match with 20 regular characters, 3 premium characters, and 2 regional characters (only available in Italian and German). The rest of the characters are either counterparts or still unavailable.

4. New Character Releases: Winked releases up to 2 new available characters every month, while also introducing 2 to 4 unavailable matches each week. So, if you see a new character that you can’t match with, it’s likely because they’re not available yet.

5. Traits and Compatibility: The traits listed on your profile have no influence on the matching process. Compatibility is not determined by matching traits. If a match is available, you’ll always be able to match with them, unless you’ve already matched with their counterpart.

Matching and Unmatching with Characters

1. Matching: To match with a character on Winked, you need to unlock all the traits listed on their profile. Once you’ve unlocked all the traits, you can swipe on their profile again to initiate a match. All special matches are matchable, and you can have conversations with them.

2. Unmatching: It is possible to unmatch with a character on Winked. To do this, open the character’s profile from the Chats Menu without opening the conversation. Tap on the profile picture of the character you wish to unmatch. Please note that unmatching with a character means you won’t be able to match with their counterparts unless the game implements that feature in the future. In that case, you would need to restart the game to match with the counterparts.

3. Changing Matches: If you’ve already matched with a character but want to match with another one, simply unmatch the current character. However, please note that unmatching and matching with counterparts is not currently possible without restarting the game. Restarting the game would be necessary to match with the counterparts you want.

4. Match Availability: If you’re experiencing a lack of new matches, it could be because the majority of characters are still unavailable. While there is no limit to the number of people you can be matched with at one time, it’s important to note that there are more unavailable matches compared to available ones. Make sure to check the counterparts list to avoid matching with someone you don’t like.


Q: How do you get matches in Winked?
A: To get matches on Winked, you need to unlock all the traits listed on a character’s profile. Once unlocked, you can swipe on their profile again to initiate a match. Complete all stages of the respective achievements to attain the trait you need.

Q: How do you get unmatched on Winked?
A: To unmatch a character on Winked, open their profile from the Chats Menu without opening the conversation. Tap on the profile picture of the character you want to unmatch.

Q: What makes you compatible with a match on Winked?
A: Compatibility on Winked is not determined by the traits listed on your profile. If a match is available, you’ll always be able to match with them, unless you’ve already matched with their counterpart or the character is still unavailable.

Q: How do I know if a match is unavailable?
A: You can check the list of unavailable profiles on Winked. If the character you want to match with is not on the list of available characters, it means they’re currently unavailable.

Key Takeaways

1. Matching on Winked requires unlocking all the traits listed on a character’s profile.
2. Not all profiles on Winked are available for matching. Some are still unavailable.
3. Counterparts are profiles with similar storylines, and you can only match with one counterpart.
4. Traits listed on your profile don’t influence the matching process.
5. Unmatching is possible but may prevent you from matching with counterparts.
6. Restarting the game may be necessary to match with different counterparts.
7. There is no limit to the number of people you can be matched with at one time.


Matching and unmatching on Winked can sometimes be confusing, but understanding the process and limitations can help you navigate the app more effectively. Remember that not all profiles are available for matching, and unlocking traits is necessary to initiate a match. Consider checking the list of unavailable profiles and counterparts to make informed choices. Enjoy the game and have fun exploring the world of Winked!

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